Weekend in Bergen

03/13/2015 - 03/15/2015
by kuba10


DAY 1 - Bergen

DAY 2 - Hardangerfjorden, Norheimsund, Steinsdalsfossen

DAY 3 - Bergen, trek to Rundemanen (568 metres)

DAY 1 - Bergen

My flight from Prague to Bergen was amazing thanks to clear sky and awesome view of snowy Norwegian mountains. I was very lucky with the weather during whole trip in Norway, there were almost no clouds for 3 days. First day we went around the city a little bit.

DAY 2 - Hardangerfjorden, Norheimsund, Steinsdalsfossen

On Saturday we went for a trip to Hardangerfjorden. We went by bus through ski resorts with enormous amount of snow. It is remarkable that in Norway you ascend couple of metres and snow level rises significantly. We went straight to small town Norheimsund with superb views of Hardangerfjorden.

We also visited waterfall Steinsdalsfossen not far away from city centre.

DAY 3 - Bergen, trek to Rundemanen (568 metres)

Sunday was the last day of my visit in Bergen. We went for a short trek to Bergen mountains. We ascended to Floyen - the most popular viewpoint of Bergen and place where people have picnics. Then we continued to mountain Rundemanen. There was still a lot of snow on the way and thanks to amazing weather surrounding scenery was just great. A lot of Norwegian use every day with nice weather for walking in mountains even when there is still lot of snow. Bergen mountains are in walking distance from city centre, so it is quite easy to get there.

Afterwards we were walking around city centre. We visited famous part of town Bryggen with typical wooden houses or Bergenhus Fortress. Bergen centre is very small, but has nice atmosphere.

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